642-845 Exam
Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks
Exam Number/Code : 642-845
Name : Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks
Questions and Answers : 185
Update Time: 2010-05-31
642-845 Price: $ 80.00
642-845 Exam Description
The Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks (642-845
ONT) is a qualifying exam for the Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP®.
The ONT 642-845 exam
will certify that the successful candidate has important knowledge and skills in
optimizing and providing effective QOS techniques for converged networks. The
exam topics include implementing a VOIP network, implementing QoS on converged
networks, specific IP QoS mechanisms for implementing the DiffServ QoS model,
AutoQoS, wireless security and basic wireless management.
2. Which codec standard would provide the highest voice-quality, mean opinion
score (MOS)?
A. G.711, PCM
B. G.728, LDCELP
C. G.729, CS-ACELP
Answer: A
3. Which two statements are true about the function of CAC? (Choose
A. CAC provides guaranteed voice quality on a link.
artificially limits the number of concurrent voice calls.
C. CAC is used to
control the amount of bandwidth that is taken by a call on a link.
prevents oversubscription of WAN resources that is caused by too much voice
E. CAC allows an unlimited number of voice calls while severely
restricting, if necessary, other forms of traffic.
F. CAC solves voice
congestion problems by using QoS to give priority to UDP traffic.
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