642-357 Exam
Designing Cisco Storage Network Solutions
Exam Number/Code
: 642-357
Name : Designing Cisco Storage Network Solutions
Questions and Answers : 88
Update Time: 2010-06-08
642-357 Price: $ 98.00
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642-357 Exam
3. Which three Fibre Channel switch features are unique to Cisco’s MDS
9000 Series switches? (Choose three.)
Select 3 response(s).
B. Read-Only Zones
C. Internet-Switch Link
D. Fibre Channel
Congestion Control
E. FC Link Aggregation
Answer: ABD
4. Your customer has implemented an IPS-8 for iSCSI connectivity to workgroup
servers. How can this customer prevent unauthorized hosts from connecting to the
Cisco MDS 9000 fabric through the iSCSI interfaces?
Select the best
A. Configure RADIUS authentication
B. Configure IPSec encryption
on the IPS-8
C. Configure IP ACLs on the IPS-8
D. Configure fabric binding
on the IPS-8
Answer: C
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